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"Poorly trained staff who have no idea what is going on and do not help!!"

A review of Norwich Jobcentre Plus by Norwich jobseeker written on Monday 9th of December 2013


I was made redundant several months ago and they cannot even recommend a recuitment agent to me!!

My advisor constantly over-runs by 20 mins an appointment so when they say 1pm, they see you at 1.20pm. When i asked them who is her boss she would not say etc but if we're late by 1 min you lose 4 weeks money!

It takes me over 90 mins to get to each appointment and so I miss the train back if they are late as only run hourly.

They refuse to pay for my interviews as I have been to 5 now and not had a job offer!

They want to me apply for jobs I am not qualified for/have no experience in doing.

You get scruitinised and made to feel small. They have never landed me a job interview or helped. They just want to know everything about you..especially wanting a digital copy of your CV.

I am trying my hardest and have had some success in landing interviews etc but NO thanks for Norwich job centre.

They only seem to want to sanction people!


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